Last Christmas, my son-in-law, and daughter subscribed me to a product called StoryWorth.
According to StoryWorth's website, it's more than a book, more than a collection of stories. It's a gift of time you spend with your family uncovering these stories. In my situation, these serious and light-hearted questions are sent to me weekly throughout this year and I believe the overall objective of the gift-givers is to capture stories and events to be shared with close family and friends. Stories that may not be shared without a structured service to capture some of them.
Some of my questions include:
What's your favorite TV show and movie?
Best advice you've received as a parent?
What do you like about Europe?
The most memorable concert you attended?
What was your mother like when you were a child?
For this blog post, I choose "What do I like about Europe?" Here are some excerpts from that submittal I made weeks ago.
I liked how you could travel easily by yourself by rail. Taking a subway to the main station and then taking another train to the central business area of another town.

I love how some main railway stations were filled with employees, travelers, and those who live or work near the station.
I love the different languages spoken in various countries – dialects are interesting too. Some Swiss villagers 5 kilometers away from each other may speak a different dialect of Swiss German.
Taking alpine hikes in the Alps and Pyrenees and other surrounding mountains.
Gypsy beggars in town squares (annoying but interesting).
Vegetable and fruit markets in the town square.
There are wonderful and specialty grocery stores in Germany where bread, cheese, grapes, and wine makes a fine meal on a park bench or nearby open area.
Ability to walk in many different neighborhoods in the larger Western European cities.

Trains that run on time in Switzerland and Germany.
European cities that contain universities. A great place to visit and hang out.
Citizens are much more informed about international affairs and about current geo-political events.
Narrow streets strictly for pedestrians.

With space at a premium, all land throughout Western Europe is typically used for some purpose.
Public drinking fountains near town squares. With all the walking, especially in hot weather, these fountains are invaluable.
Seeing men drink beer and eat Wienerschnitzel at 10 am at the Munich main train station.
The Naschmarkt in Vienna. A crown jewel as produce markets is concerned.
Bicycling in Berlin or Amsterdam.

Wir Emphelen/We Recommend…having recommended dishes outside the restaurant to get a larger group of people in for certain recommended dishes – especially in Germany.
Streetcars in some city centers instead of buses. It’s amazing how many more passengers can fit on a streetcar compared to the same-sized bus.