From my personal experiences over the years, what things do I find underrated? What things I should appreciate or enjoy but don't always notice? These items may not have a brand or sponsor and may receive little publicity but at the same time, helps you appreciate the special things in life, things others may take for granted. In fact, observing these little things in life may help someone become more grateful and appreciative.
Underrated…A warm bed
Underrated…Long walks (walking outside)
Underrated…Unbiased news reporting
Underrated…Puns and figures of speech
Underrated…Comfortable shoes
Underrated…Great Photography
Underrated…Eating healthy foods
Underrated…Creativity in the kitchen
Underrated…Acoustic guitar solos
Underrated…Collecting shells by the ocean
Underrated…Hot showers in the winter
Underrated…Stimulating conversation
Underrated…Local libraries
Underrated…Small town parades
Underrated…Finding value in goods & services

Underrated…Positive news
Underrated…Flea markets
Underrated…Minor league baseball
Underrated…Garages to protect you from the elements
Underrated…Good spelling
Underrated…Raw nuts
Underrated…NY Times Sunday Magazine
Underrated…Comfortable clothes
Underrated…Cotton clothes
Underrated…Volunteer activities
Underrated…High School Bands
Underrated…Kind words
Underrated…Hugs from children
Underrated…Fresh strawberries
Underrated…An unexpected personal thank-you note
Underrated…A genuine compliment
Underrated…Unconditional gifts
Underrated…Brainstorming for idea creation
Underrated…Warm tea
Underrated…Thankful, thank you notes
Underrated…Baking in a warm kitchen in winter
Underrated…Reusing items before they are recycled
Underrated…Forever stamps in the U.S.
Underrated…Game night with your children
Underrated...Unconditional love from dogs
Underrated…Being organized
Underrated…Functioning shopping carts
Underrated…Exploring different neighborhoods on foot
Underrated…Heated car seats (more northern climate)